esf in Serre Chevalier have been involved for 28 years in teaching alpine skiing to people with disabilities, 20 of our instructors have received specific handiski training to accompany you or your child or teach you to ski.
Accompanied by one of our specialists, discover the pleasure of skiing the slopes of the ski area! Depending on your disability, requirements and desires, there is a choice of equipment to accommodate you:
- TANDEM: Led by an instructor, it allows people, even severely disabled, to slide safely on the ski slopes.
- CART: For people wishing to ski independently, that have the use of their upper limbs but not enough balance to ski in Uniski or Dualski
- DUALSKI: Intended for people with disabilities of the lower limbs. Stability is improved compared to Uniski thanks to the use of two fully articulated skis.
- UNISKI: It is the most popular device for autonomous handiskiing, but it is more difficult to handle than a Dualski or Cart because it is less stable.
The loan of equipment is possible, under certain conditions.
Ski departure is 50 metres from the car park and the Handiski chalet. Possible loan of accessories to facilitate wheelchair movement on the snow.